Monday, September 19, 2011

KARAPATAN: Witch hunting for Human Rights Violations of Government Security Forces - Human Rights Group Created to Protect NPA Rebel (the real violators)

Human Rights used for deception- KARAPATAN

KARAPATAN who is pose a a human rights group is part of  the greater umbrella organization called the Nationa Democratic Front  of the Philippines. It was created to to  look for possible human rights violation of government security forces (GSF) in the conduct of Legal   law enforcement  as well as counter-insugency operations. As part of their tactics of deception, they make it appear thay rebel forces killed in these operations are but mere ordinary civilians thereby putting the GSF in bad light and publicity. Based on sources  the group's operation is highly incorporated in the  CPP NPA  armed propaganda and guerilla actions to the point that member of  KARAPATAN are informed of  any operation that would entail possible death and capture of NPA rebels. Sources further elaborated  that in an encounter, KARAPATAN member are often  first to investigate the scene in order to exploit any circumstances that would make it appear that the GSF  commited a human rights violation.

When Human Rights is not equal

It is funny  to see every time KARAPATAN member  talk about rights, the Government Security Forces will always be in the firing line. Often  the Military will be their primary suspect whenever  an abduction occurs or an assassination happens. We will often hear words such as " End Impunity" coming out from their slanderous  and ill conceive concept of human rights. all are directed to divert or to protect the NPA TERRORIST and maligned the image of GSR.  The real question is that around and all over the country many deaths and human rights violations are perpetrated by the CPP NPA NDF from extortion, execution of non-supporter, intimidation, violence and muder yet this self proclaimed rights group will never CONDEMN and DENOUNCE  these acts and atrocities. WHY? Precisely because they are not really rights group but a mere political arm of the National Democratic Front to use issues on  human rights for the interest of the Party to demean the AFP and the PNP.   Often we see KARAPATAN showing of their true colors by joining mass activities with other COMMUNIST SPONSORED organization such as LFS, BAYAN and the likes which are aimed to weaken public support to the government and create an atmosphere that  the government  fail to deliver the basic services.

How will government forces deal with these fake rights groups

As an advice to GSR being harrased by KARAPATAN, for example after an encounter when they pose as human rights investigation after legitimate encounter is to use your cellphones video camera and take picture of them while tampering the scene of a crime. They will often shun away court litigation because they avoid it. They will be exposed and the real and the true nature of their fake cause. Once you capture either in video or photo, charge or sue them for tampering with the scene of the crime and obstruction of justice.

Watch out for more revelations about the FAKE human rights group -KARAPATAN

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